Gary Peters

Brain Injury

4 panel cartoon on A4 paper

Accepting I’ve got a brain injury1 – not easy.

But, I have and it’s forcing me to consider and explore working in different ways.

Imagine what you would do if you could only spend 20 minutes at a time working in front of a screen and doing that no more than three or four times a day. Yup, that, at best is one hour 20 minutes using your computer.

It’s a world ripe with opportunity: Mostly analogue and pens and paper and voice messages and phone calls. A fascinating constraint.

Really it is. Fascinating and frustrating in equal measure. Frustrating because I can use screens for a limited time (more than not at all). Frustrating because I can’t work how are used to and because trying to it’s too easy to melt my brain. Fascinating because I have to shed ideas of who I am and how I work. Fascinating because I’m exploring paths I wouldn’t have pre-concussion. Fascinating observing the process I’ve been going through, what I’ve been resisting and how I moving again. Fuck!

  1. Almost 5 years on from my concussion I’m still feeling the effects.↩︎