

When the books I’m reading share similar cover colours.



A box of old paintings, ready to move, ready to reuse.

Notes from a conversation



Back from a long weekend in Dunedin and somehow this came up on my phone. My notes from a conversation with a gallerist in October 2019.

30 day experiment - circles



The start of a 30-day experiment, a drawing a day.

It’s been an age since I’ve picked up a paintbrush, and this will get me back in the habit of making. It’s also an experiment for the Change Makers course I’ve recently started.

Why circles?
I’ve no idea, but you’ve got to start somewhere.

Will they continue?
Maybe. I’m wondering if drawing circles is the best use of my time. Still, I also know trusting the process is essential, and limitations can increase invention.

Getting organised


Thinking in post-its.

There’s nothing like an exhibition to highlight the need for being organised and having good systems in place. INTERPLAY, opening in early November, is no exception.

Playing with post-its and the Johnny Decimal system I’m currently looking at the following areas and categories to organise the files on my laptop:

10-19 ADMIN
   11 Legal
      11.01 Contracts
      11.02 Company Registration
      11.03 Etc.
   12 Accounts
      12.01 Invoices
      12.02 Expenses - Business Only
      12.03 Expenses - Shared
      12.04 Bank Statements
      12.05 Etc.
   13 Planning

20-29 MAKING
   21 Works
   22 Writing
      22.01 Proposals
      22.02 Newsletters
      22.03 Articles
      22.04 Artist Statements
      22.05 Bios
   23 Research
   24 Exhibitions
      24.01 Interplay
      24.02 New Old Forms

   31 Website
   32 Social Media
   33 Branding
   34 Promotional Material
      34.01 TAD
      34.02 Exhibition Invites

   41 Inventory
   42 Lists of Works
   43 Potentials
      43.01 Sales
      43.02 Funding

This structure is not complete and is very much a work in progress. While the idea of a perfect system can be both seductive and stultifying, I know (sometimes with difficulty) an imperfect and working system is more practical than an illusory idea.